Band Of The Day: Jamie Stoffa

Jamie Stoffa is a genre-bending multi-instrumentalist based out of Washington, D.C. who blends elements of pop, rock, and post-hardcore with modern production to create a signature sound that is unique and evocative. 

Jamie has released his latest single “Try to Forget.” “The song is about a time in my life when I was alone in a new town, felt lost and I was broke," explains Jamie. "I remember sitting in my car outside of a mall around Christmas time looking at my bank account wondering if this constant cycle of burden and stress will ever end. This song is for anyone who tries; and I mean really tries to succeed and do right but keeps finding themselves still ‘searching for something unknown’ and ‘trying to crawl out of six-foot holes’.

Featuring a full band ensemble paired with clean singing and electronic production elements, this song starts rather stripped down with acoustic and vocals but quickly escalates to something epic and exciting. "Try To Forget" exclusively premiered with The New Alternative, and is currently streaming across all platforms. Listen now on Spotify. Jamie has also released a video and a lyric video, which you can watch below.